Sunday, July 24, 2011

Future Stars

A friend of ours in Clarkston, Anna Bryant, taught piano to four girls this summer.  She made this video as an introduction for the girls' first ever piano recital.  The recital was held in the lobby of the leasing office in our apartment complex, complete with refreshments, programs, and about 40 audience members.  There were 7 different countries represented in the audience, half of whom did not even know the girls, but have relationships with Anna, Brian or myself. It was a great time to strengthen friendships and see these girls' mother have a reason to be proud of her daughters!  The girls all received a flower, high fives, hugs, and got first dibs on the cookie cake when the recital was over!  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. That was very sweet! Glad you can be a part of having a positive impact on the lives of kids, especially ones from countries where I'm sure a lot of their lives are very tumultous...may they all see the love of Jesus in the tangible way He invites all us kids to come sit on His knee. :-)
